Never Mind The Dambusters

(PREMIUM) Episode 23 - Did Bomber Command Succeed?

Subscriber Episode Jane Gulliford Lowes and James Jefferies Season 1 Episode 23

Subscriber-only episode

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*** Episode on general release on Wednesday 6th November 2024

In this episode of Never Mind the Dambusters, hosts Jane Gulliford-Lowes and James Jefferies delve into the complexities  and controversies of the Allied strategic bombing campaign during World War II.  Did the campaign succeed? How is success measured? 
They explore the ongoing debate regarding its effectiveness, the shifting objectives of the campaign, the aims of the Casablanca and Point Blank Directives, and the impact on German war production and civilian morale. Through a detailed analysis of historical surveys and perspectives, the conversation highlights the nuanced nature of military strategy and its consequences. This conversation delves into the complexities of the bombing campaigns during World War II, focusing on their impact on workforce morale, the diversion of resources, and the eventual destruction of the Luftwaffe. The discussion highlights the challenges in measuring the effectiveness of bombing on civilian morale and the war economy, as well as the strategic implications of resource allocation and air superiority.

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